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Original clip fine art from "The Complete Bible Story Clip Art Volume" ©Gospel Low-cal. Used past permission.

" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-10145" src="" alt="5_Sinful Woman" width="300" height="226" data-recalc-dims="1" data-lazy-src=";ssl=1" srcset=""> Scripture Reference:Luke seven:36-50

Suggested Accent: Jesus tin can forgive our sins.


Story Overview:

Simon, the Pharisee, invited Jesus to come to his firm for dinner. Simon did non show Jesus the uncomplicated gestures of hospitality common for that time including greeting him with a osculation so washing his feet. During the meal a sinful woman came into Simon'south business firm and done Jesus' anxiety with her tears and dried them with her hair. She was sorry for her sins and Jesus forgave her.

Background Study:

Pharisees were a legalistic group who oftentimes felt they were elite. They were strict most keeping the Erstwhile Testament Law and the many unwritten traditions. Many of the Pharisees Jesus met were hypocrites in the way they obeyed the religious laws (Luke 7:thirty). Simon was a Pharisee who invited Jesus to come to his business firm for a repast.

Verse 49 tells us that there were other guests besides Jesus. Subsequently in the story nosotros detect that Simon did not treat Jesus every bit an honoured guest (verses 44-47). Common courtesies of the day would have dictated that Simon offer Jesus water to launder his feet. Sometimes servants washed guests' feet. Simon should take greeted his guest with a kiss and anointed his head with oil. Simon did not practice any of those things for Jesus even though he had invited Jesus to be his guest.

In the showtime century people would not have sat at a table on chairs to eat a meal. A low tabular array or mat would be placed on the floor and surrounded by depression couches or cushions. Instead of sitting on the cushions information technology would have been mutual to recline. One could balance on ane elbow and use the other paw to eat. The legs and anxiety would be faced toward the exterior so that people could sit shut together without feet being in the fashion or almost the food. This organization made it possible for the woman to come up behind Jesus and wash his feet while he continued to eat. The alabaster jar would have been round with a long neck. Perfumed ointment would have unremarkably been put on the head but she quietly and humbly anointed his anxiety instead.

It would have been unheard of for a adult female to bear on a Pharisee. Besides being a female, this woman was likewise well-known for leading a sinful life. Nigh probably she was a prostitute. This made it even more disgraceful in Simon's eyes. If Jesus would accept been concerned well-nigh his reputation like the Pharisees then he would not have immune this woman to touch on him. The fact that he not simply allowed information technology only went on to defend her shows how much he truly cared most this woman. It was not enough to strictly obey the Former Testament Constabulary. Jesus knew that he must honey people. He showed true concern and love towards this adult female.

The adult female had probably heard Jesus preaching earlier. It seems her heart was tender and she wanted to exit the sinful life she had been living. Simon did not care nearly the woman. All he seemed to care nigh was the scandal taking place. Read the story carefully and you will encounter that Simon did not say anything out loud at first (verse 39). Jesus read his heed.

Jesus showed compassion towards the adult female by deflecting the attending off of her and putting it on Simon. In front of this important man and other important guests Jesus shows this adult female that she was important considering of her repentant heart. Simply God can forgive sin. Jesus showed his deity by forgiving the adult female.


Manner to Introduce the Story:

Bring a bowl of warm water and a large towel to class. Wash the children's feet. As you do this talk about how people used to walk exterior wearing sandals. Talk nigh dusty or muddy streets where animals walked. People always washed their hands and their feet before they ate. Who would want to eat with someone's stinky feet nearby? People reclined on cushions around depression tables so sometimes yous sat very shut to people's feet. If I invited you to my house to consume, the very start thing I would do is give you a kiss on the cheek. So I would either requite you water to wash your feet, inquire a retainer to do information technology, or if you were an important invitee, I might even launder your feet for you. Then I would give you some perfumed ointment to put on your head in case you were hot and sweaty. In today'southward story Jesus was invited to someone'southward house for a meal. Allow's discover out what happened.

The Story:

Who knows what Pharisees were? Pharisees were religious men who liked to obey lots of rules. They obeyed all the rules in the Former Testament Police force. Non only that, they obeyed all the rules that other religious people made up. Pharisees talked so much about obeying rules that they forgot to call back about God. They thought all the rules were more important than God. They thought rules were more important than people too. They did not similar anyone who did not obey rules only like them.

Jesus met a Pharisee named Simon. Simon invited Jesus to his house to swallow. When Jesus arrived at Simon's house Simon did not give him a buss. Simon did not requite Jesus water to wash his feet with. Simon did not offer Jesus perfumed oil to put on his head. Jesus reclined on the cushion anyhow. Other very of import guests were eating with Simon also.

Someone else came to Simon'due south house. But Simon had not invited her. The person that came in was not someone who liked to obey rules like Simon. This was a woman who had been very bad. Anybody knew that this was a sinful woman. Why do you call up she was there?

The sinful woman did not come up to see Simon. She knew Simon would not assist her. She was pitiful for the bad things and she had washed. She knew that Jesus could forgive her of her sins.

While everyone was eating, the woman came and kneeled on the flooring backside Jesus. She was so distressing for her sins that she began to weep. When she saw that Jesus' anxiety had not been washed, she used her tears to wash his feet. She did non have a towel but she used her long hair to dry out Jesus' feet. Then she took her jar of perfume and put it on Jesus feet.

Simon could non believe what he was seeing! He idea to himself, "How cartel this woman come into my house! How dare Jesus let her touch him, much less wash his anxiety? Didn't Jesus know about following rules? Jesus must not be a true teacher." But Simon did not say one word out loud. He only idea these things to himself.

Jesus could read Simon'due south mind. He decided to tell Simon a story. "Simon," Jesus said, "once two men borrowed money. One borrowed 500 denarii and the other 50 denarii (denarii is a kind of money). After a while, the lender told the men that they did not have to pay him back. They could keep the coin. Which of those men exercise you think loved the coin lender the virtually?

Simon, "The man who owed the well-nigh money would be the happiest. He would love the lender the almost."

The woman was like the man who owed 500 denarii. She had done many bad things. And so she loved Jesus very much for forgiving her.

Jesus said to Simon, "Simon you asked me to your business firm simply y'all did not kiss my cheek or wash my anxiety or requite me oil for my head. This adult female has kissed my feet and washed them. And so she put oil on them."

So he told the woman, "I forgive you of all of the sins yous have done. Now y'all can get in peace." What do yous think happened subsequently that?

Means to Tell the Story:

This story can be told using a variety of methods.  Always remain true to the facts found in the Bible merely assistance children connect to its meaning past using drama, visual aids, vocalisation inflection, student interaction and/or emotion.
Click here for visual aids and story-telling methods.

Click here to download these illustrations and the slideshow.  Be selective.  Each teacher is unique so just employ the illustrations that best chronicle to the way YOU are telling the story in THIS lesson. Too many illustrations can exist disruptive so eliminate any that comprehend other stories or details you do non wish to emphasise in this lesson.

Review Questions:

  1. What was the name of the Pharisee who invited Jesus to his house to eat? Simon
  2. Who washed Jesus' feet at Simon, the Pharisee's firm? A sinful woman
  3. How did the woman wash Jesus' feet? Washed them with her tears and dried with her hair.
  4. Why did the sinful woman launder Jesus' feet? Simon had not washed them.  And also in cheers for Jesus forgiving her sins.

Vocal Suggestions:

  • I've Got Peace Like a River Vocal
  • Refer to the Song Page on this website for more options.

Learning Activities and Crafts:

(How to choose the best learning activities for my teaching situation)


  • Mix perfume, spice or vanilla extract in washable pigment (similar tempera paint).  Spread a sparse layer of the paint on the soles of children's feet and impress footprint pictures.

Check the Teaching Ideas page on this website for ideas that are adaptable to any lesson.

Link to full list of printablesClick here for "Sinful Woman" in A4 size paper
Click here for "Sinful Adult female" in letter size paper (United states)


Other Online Resources:

  • Colouring page and worksheets (Calvary Curriculum)
  • Colouring folio from
  • A number of activities for pedagogy children about forgiveness (with printables) at
  • How to make habitation-made perfume (will proceed up to a month).  Instructions at


" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" loading="lazy" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-18038" src="" alt="The Sinful Woman Washes Jesus_ Feet Pin" width="350" height="525" data-recalc-dims="1" data-lazy-src=";ssl=1" srcset="">