(Pdufa) Requires Drug Companies to Pay Fees to Support the Drug Review Process

Prescription Drug User Fee Human activity
Great Seal of the United States
Long title An Act to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Human action to authorize human drug application, prescription drug establishment, and prescription drug product fees and for other purposes.
Acronyms (colloquial) PDUFA, DSA
Nicknames Dietary Supplement Act of 1992
Enacted by the 102nd United states Congress
Effective Oct 29, 1992
Public law 102-571
Statutes at Large 106 Stat. 4491
Acts amended Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Deed
Titles amended 21 U.S.C.: Food and Drugs
U.S.C. sections amended 21 United statesC. ch. nine, subch. 7 § 379g et seq.
Legislative history
  • Introduced in the Firm as H.R. 6181 past John Dingell (D–MI) on October 6, 1992
  • Committee consideration by House Free energy and Commerce
  • Passed the Firm on October 6, 1992 (passed without objection)
  • Passed the Senate on Oct seven, 1992 (passed vocalization vote)
  • Signed into law past President George H.W. Bush-league on Oct 29, 1992

The Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) was a law passed by the U.s.a. Congress in 1992 which allowed the Nutrient and Drug Administration (FDA) to collect fees from drug manufacturers to fund the new drug approval process. The Deed provided that the FDA was entitled to collect a substantial application fee from drug manufacturers at the fourth dimension a New Drug Application (NDA) or Biologics License Application (BLA) was submitted, with those funds designated for use merely in Center for Drug Evaluation and Enquiry (CDER) or Heart for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) drug blessing activities. In club to continue collecting such fees, the FDA is required to meet sure performance benchmarks, primarily related to the speed of sure activities within the NDA review process.

History [edit]

The move towards imposing user fees to pay for the regulatory review of new medicines was the consequence of dissatisfaction among consumers, industry, and the FDA. All 3 groups felt that drug approvals were taking far as well long. Pharmaceutical companies had to wait to begin to recoup the costs of research and evolution. The FDA estimated that a filibuster of one month in a review'due south completion cost its sponsor $10 1000000. The FDA argued that it needed additional staff to finish its back-log of drugs awaiting approval for market. The FDA had not received sufficient appropriations from Congress to hire them. For decades the FDA had asked for permission to implement user fees and the pharmaceutical manufacture generally opposed them, fearing that the funds would not be used to speed drug review. The 1992 police force became possible when the FDA and industry agreed on setting target completion times for reviews and the promise these fees would supplement federal appropriations instead of replacing them.[1]

AIDS epidemic [edit]

The length of the drug blessing procedure brutal under astringent scrutiny during the early years of the AIDS epidemic. In the late 1980s, Deed-Upward and other HIV activist organizations accused the FDA of unnecessarily delaying the approving of medications to fight HIV and opportunistic infections, and staged big protests, such as a confrontational October 11, 1988, action at the FDA headquarters which resulted in roughly 180 arrests.[ii] In August 1990, Louis Lasagna, and then chairman of a presidential advisory console on drug approval, estimated that thousands of lives were lost each twelvemonth due to delays in blessing and marketing of drugs for cancer and AIDS.[3] Partly in response to these criticisms, the FDA introduced expedited approval of drugs for life-threatening diseases and expanded pre-approval access to drugs for patients with limited treatment options.[4] All of the initial drugs approved for the handling of HIV/AIDS were approved through accelerated approval mechanisms. For example, a "treatment IND" was issued for the first HIV drug, AZT, in 1985, and approval was granted two years later, in 1987.[5]

AIDS activists, desperate for new treatments, were outraged at the toll of those commencement drugs and the boring pace of drug evolution. These activists bombarded the authorities and drug companies with complaints and public protests. The activists won a major victory in 1989, when Burroughs Wellcome implemented a 20% price cut on AZT, then nonetheless the only handling for HIV. Even after this toll concession, the 12-pill-per-24-hour interval AZT regimen cost patients $vi,400 a twelvemonth. AIDS activists expressed their anger by trashing booths at medical conventions and continuing song public protests. Gradually, drug companies established relationships with AIDS activists and the two sides came together to ameliorate clinical trials. By August 1991, relations had warmed upwards so much that ACT-Upwards founder Larry Kramer wrote Bristol-Myers Squibb chief Richard Gelb a letter of congratulations on the imminent approval of Videx. AIDS groups fought for the reauthorization of the Orphan Drug Human action and the passage of the Prescription Drug User Fee Act in 1992.[6]

PDUFA I [edit]

The Prescription Drug User Fee Human activity (PDUFA) was offset enacted in 1992. PDUFA gives the Food and Drug Assistants (FDA) a revenue source, fees paid by pharmaceutical companies seeking the approval of new drugs, to supplement simply non supersede directly appropriations from Congress. PDUFA was passed in order to shorten the length of fourth dimension from a manufacturer's submission of a New Drug Application or a Biologics License Application to an FDA decision approval or licensure.[vii]

Congress created 3 kinds of user fees via PDUFA and required that they each make up one-third of the full fees collected. These include application review fees paid past the sponsor for each drug or biologic application submitted, establishment fees paid past manufacturers annually for each of its facilities, and product fees paid annually for each product on the marketplace covered by PDUFA. For 1993, the application review fee was about $100,000. The law provided exemptions and waivers for applications from small businesses, drugs aimed at orphan diseases, or unmet public health needs.[7]

In social club to avoid listing specific performance goals in statutory language Congress stated in the pecker'southward "Findings" that, "three) the fees authorized by this championship will be dedicated toward expediting the review of human drug applications as set up forth in the goals identified in the letters of September fourteen, 1992, and September 21, 1992, from the Commissioner of Food and Drugs to the Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee of the House of Representatives and the Chairman of the Labor and Human Resources Committee of the Senate, equally fix forth at 138 Cong. Rec. H9099-H9100 (daily ed. September 22, 1992)."[7]

PDUFA 2 [edit]

In its 1997 reauthorization of PDUFA, Congress enacted stricter functioning goals, required increased transparency in the drug review procedure, and tried to facilitate ameliorate advice betwixt drug makers and patient advancement groups. Congress expanded the scope of the legislation to include the investigational phases of a new drug's development. PDUFA Ii was passed as Title I of the Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act.[7]

When Congress was debating the legislation that implemented PDUFA II Rep. Baton Tauzin, who subsequently became head of PhRMA and one of those leading the telephone call for a further streamlined review procedure, told a story of how a family friend had to travel to United mexican states to obtain drugs that helped him overcome prostate cancer. "We continue to have issues with the fact that approved medicines in other countries tin can't get canonical here. But what I particularly can't understand at all are situations where you accept people suffering final illnesses, and they can't get the experimental drugs that might salvage their lives."[8]

In testimony earlier Congress, James Swire, an AIDS activist and health educator who became infected with HIV in 1990, said the FDA has dramatically reduced the time needed to approve life-saving drugs using the money from PDUFA. Swire said, "I'grand here because people really pushed the review procedure for AIDS and HIV treatments. There notwithstanding is non a cure, but because of some of the new drugs, a lot of us have been able to get back to work."[viii]

PDUFA III [edit]

PDUFA III, part of the Public Health and Bioterrorism Preparedness Act, made appropriations for increased postmarket monitoring of new products and immune the FDA to rent boosted personnel to speed the reviews of new drugs.[nine] Another 2002 statute extended user fee policies to encompass the approval procedure for medical devices.

During the period that PDUFA Three was in upshot the FDA's requirement that drug companies pay user fees for 505(b)(2) applications to switch drugs from requiring a prescription to beingness sold over-the-counter became a source of controversy. The drug industry claimed that the FDA misinterpreted the section of PDUFA Three authorizing user fees when deciding to accuse for reviewing 505(b)(2) applications. Specifically, they said Congress only intended user fees to be paid on new indications for a new agile ingredient and that switching a drug to over-the-counter status was an exception to the dominion requiring user fees.[10]

In February 2007 the FDA exempted drugs used in the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) from user fees in order to reduce the financial brunt of developing new AIDS drugs.[eleven]

PDUFA IV [edit]

The FDA requested and received fee increases to cover increased reviewer workload and expanded postal service-marketing safety initiatives, likewise as the say-so to use user fees to the monitoring of direct-to-consumer drug advertisement.[12] President Bush signed the reauthorization of PDUFA into police on 27 September 2007.[thirteen]

In 2007, the FDA was expected to collect $259,300,000 in industry user fees.[fourteen]

PDUFA V [edit]

The reauthorization process for PDUFA V began with a public hearing in April 2010. The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) strongly supported reauthorization of PDUFA, saying at the time that "PDUFA V tin can play a critical role in making more life-saving medicines available to patients in a timely manner, strengthening the scientific base of the FDA and providing a steady, reliable stream of resource for Agency scientists."[15]

PDUFA was reauthorized in July 2012.[16] PDUFA's fifth reauthorization calls for upgrading benefit/risks assessments of new medicines[17] besides as call for more patient perspectives in the review process.[18]

PDUFA VI [edit]

On August 18, 2017, the President signed into law the Food and Drug Administration Reauthorization Deed (FDARA), which includes the reauthorization of PDUFA through September 2022. PDUFA Vi volition provide for the continued timely review of new drug and biologic license applications.[19]

Effectiveness [edit]

Increased staffing [edit]

A 2002 U.S. Authorities Accountability Function (GAO) report found that PDUFA funds allowed the FDA to increase the number of new drug reviewers by 77 percent in the get-go eight years of the act, and the median approval time for non-priority new drugs dropped from 27 months to 14 months over the same catamenia.[9]

Review times [edit]

A major PDUFA goal is for the FDA to review and provide a ruling on applications within one year unless pregnant changes are made to the awarding during the concluding 3 months of the review cycle. In a 1997 speech given prior to leaving the FDA David Kessler said, "And then far we accept reviewed 95% of the 1995 group on time. We won't reach 100%, still, because we did make a mistake: we misread a borderline on a estimator printout and we missed ane deadline past three days." The PDUFA goal for the 1995 group called for a 70% on-time record. The 95% on-time rate more than doubled the pre-PDUFA on-fourth dimension level of virtually 40%. Kessler said the FDA accomplished similar positive results with other PDUFA goals, including in its review time for efficacy supplements (requests to add a new indication or a new group of patients to an already approved drug), submissions for manufacturing supplements (for making significant changes in the way a drug is fabricated or using a new manufacturing facility) and resubmissions (responses provided to questions or alleged deficiencies raised by the FDA).[20]

From 1993 through 1996, the years PDUFA I was in effect, the approval time for new drugs declined significantly while the number of new products increased. The approval time for NDAs in the 8 years before the implementation of PDUFA I was roughly 31.three months. During this period, the approval time exceeded thirty months in every twelvemonth except 1990 when it was 27.seven months and 1992 when it was 29.9 months. From 1993 through 1996, the average approval fourth dimension vicious to xx.8 months. During this period, the approval time for new drugs never exceeded 30 months.[21] According to the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America drug review time was cut roughly in one-half after the passage of PDUFA I.[22]

Drug launches [edit]

Faster drug approval times and other PDUFA-related changes accept led to pharmaceutical companies targeting more drugs for showtime launch in the United States thus increasing patient access to new medicines. Faster drug review from 1990 to 2001 were found to increase the probability of a drug being launched outset in the United states by xiv%. Other changes fabricated under PDUFA such every bit the increased probability of approval and shortened evolution periods increased the probability of a drug being first launched in the United States by 31 per centum at the cease of PDUFA I and 27 percent at the finish of PDUFA II.[23]

During the eight years before PDUFA took upshot, an average of 24 new drugs were approved each yr. The number of approvals ranged from twenty in 1988 to 30 in 1991. During the four years that PDUFA I was in effect, an average of 32 drugs were canonical each year, ranging from 22 in 1994 to 53 in 1996. The average number of new drugs approved past the FDA each year increased by one-third.[21]

Kickoff drug launches making employ of new chemical entities in the The states increased from 44 from 1982 through 1992 to 156 in from 1993 through 2003 period. The increase in start drug launches in the United states from 1993 through 2003 is particularly interesting given that the European Marriage harmonized its regulatory regime for new drugs with those of other major markets in order to reduce barriers for drug approvals during the same period.[23]

Regulator-industry advice [edit]

David Kessler described improved communication between the FDA and the drug manufacture on what data should be included in NDAs as an important benefit of PDUFA. He said, "For example, in fiscal year 1993, 34 of the new applications that came into the FDA were sent back to the company considering they were poorly prepared or missing critical information. In fiscal year 1996 half dozen applications were refused for these reasons – a more than fivefold comeback."[xx]

PDUFA dates [edit]

PDUFA dates are deadlines for the FDA to review new drugs. The FDA is normally given ten months to review new drugs. If a drug is selected for priority review, the FDA is allotted 6 months to review the drug. These time frames begin on the date that an NDA is accustomed past the FDA as complete.

Scale of fees [edit]

FDA calculates fees based on an annual basis. For fiscal year 2021, drug awarding fees are:

$2,875,842 per total application requiring clinical data,
$1,437,921 per application not requiring clinical data or per supplement requiring clinical data.
$336,432 for programs[nineteen]

The FDA estimates that operating costs for the year 2017 volition be $878,590,000. The FD&C Human activity specifies that one-third of the total fee revenue is to be derived from application fees, one-3rd from establishment fees, and i-3rd from production fees (see section 736(b)(2) of the FD&C Act). FDA estimates that in 2016, two,646 products will have been billed for product fees and 523 establishments will take been billed for establishment fees.

In 2015, 132.5 full application equivalents (FAEs) were charged an application fee. FAEs are calculated by counting a full awarding equally one FAE and an awarding non requiring clinical data or a clinical data supplement as half an FAE. An awarding that is withdrawn, or refused for filing, counts every bit one quarter of the original FAE. For a full awarding this is one quarter FAE, and for an application without clinical data or a clinical data supplement this is an eighth of an FAE.[19]

FDA upkeep [edit]

User fees imposed under PDUFA are expected to add together $707 million to the FDA upkeep in 2011, roughly a quarter of the agency's total spending. User fees cover roughly 65 pct of the drug approval process.[24]

References [edit]

  1. ^ Thaul, Susan (2008). "The Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA): History, Reauthorization in 2007, and Effect on FDA". Congressional Enquiry Service.
  2. ^ "ACTUP Capsule History 1988". ACT Upwardly: AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power. ACTUP New York, Inc. Retrieved 17 Feb 2020.
  3. ^ Pear, Robert (16 August 1990). "Faster Approval of AIDS Drugs Is Urged". The New York Times. Washington, D.C. p. Late Edition – Last, Section B, Folio 12, Column 4.
  4. ^ Office of Special Health Issues (5 March 1998). "Expanded Access and Expedited Approving of New Therapies Related to HIV/AIDS". U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Archived from the original on 7 January 2001.
  5. ^ Flieger, Ken (Jan 1995). "FDA Consumer special study: FDA Finds New Ways to Speed Treatments to Patients". U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Archived from the original on eight Feb 2001.
  6. ^ Arnold, Matthew (i Oct 2006). "Aroused patients fight for affordable HIV treatments; AIDS, A CONSUMER REVOLUTION". Medical Marketing & Media.
  7. ^ a b c d Thaul, Susan (12 July 2007), Prescription Drug User Fee Deed (PDUFA), Congressional Research Services Report RL33914, Congressional Research Services
  8. ^ a b Alpert, Bruce (15 June 1997). "EFFORT AFOOT TO QUICKEN DRUG Approving PROCESS; SENATE Console FACES TOUCHY DEBATE". Times-Niggling. New Orleans, LA.
  9. ^ a b FOOD AND DRUG Administration: Upshot of User Fees on Drug Blessing Times, Withdrawals, and Other Agency Activities (GAO-02-958) (PDF), Government Accounting Function, September 2002, archived from the original (PDF) on 8 March 2003
  10. ^ "DRUGS FIRMS Will Probable Run into FDA TO PROTEST USER FEES FOR 505(B)(ii)". FDA Week. 12 Baronial 2005.
  11. ^ "FDA to Exempt PEPFAR Drugs From User Fees". Washington Drug Alphabetic character. 12 February 2007.
  12. ^ "Last PDUFA Recommendations Transmitted to Congress Will Strengthen Drug Review and Drug Safety" (Press release). U.Due south. Nutrient and Drug Administration. 23 March 2007. Archived from the original on 12 January 2008.
  13. ^ "PDUFA Legislation and Background". Nutrient and Drug Administration. Retrieved 22 Feb 2011.
  14. ^ "Prescription Drug User Fee Rates for Fiscal Year 2007 [DOCID:fr02au06-96]", Federal Register, Department of Health and Human being Services, Food and Drug Administration, vol. 71, no. 148, pp. 43780–43784, 2 August 2006, archived from the original on x Baronial 2007
  15. ^ "PhRMA Argument on PDUFA Reauthorization" (Press release). Washington, D.C.: Pharmaceutical Inquiry and Manufacturers of America. 12 April 2010. Archived from the original on five March 2011. Retrieved 21 Feb 2011.
  16. ^ "PDUFA V Signed Into Police force; Clock Ticking on Enacting Changes". FDA News. WCG. 9 July 2012. Retrieved 17 February 2020.
  17. ^ "Enhancing Benefit-Take a chance Assessment in Regulatory Conclusion-Making". FDA.gov. U.Due south. Nutrient and Drug Assistants. Retrieved vii July 2014.
  18. ^ O'Connor, Amy. "PDUFA Five: Road to Implementation". Entrada for Modern Medicines. Eli Lilly and Company. Retrieved 7 July 2014.
  19. ^ a b c Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Department of Wellness and Human Services (10 February 2021). "Prescription Drug User Fee Amendments". Federal Register . Retrieved 17 March 2021. {{cite spider web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  20. ^ a b Kessler, David (20 January 1997). "A valedictory talk by FDA Commissioner David Kessler". Chain Drug Review.
  21. ^ a b Cantor, David J. (1997). "Prescription Drug User Fee Act of 1992: Effects On Bringing New Drugs To Marketplace" (PDF). CRS Report for Congress. Congressional Research Service. Retrieved xiv Feb 2011.
  22. ^ Cox, Therese S. (30 July 1997). "Sufferers say drug human action is vital to living Measure speeds approval of new drugs by federal agency". Charleston Daily Mail (West Virginia).
  23. ^ a b Olson, Mary 1000. (2009). "PDUFA AND INITIAL U.S. DRUG LAUNCHES" (PDF). Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review. fifteen. Archived from the original (PDF) on 6 December 2010. Retrieved 15 Feb 2011.
  24. ^ Dutton, Gail (7 February 2011). "2011 Upkeep Outlook: Trim, Cut, Then Slash". Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News . Retrieved 15 February 2011.


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prescription_Drug_User_Fee_Act

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